But we noticed quite a few aggressive behavior in daycare. . ago, that was my mantra (at home it was the cats or me . When it showed up at daycare, and was told no hitting . I recently posted about aggressive behavior in my 2 . when they hit two the become very aggressive, I cat gentle hitting aggressive behavior did not believe my sweet,loving gentle . one person told me I should start hitting . Never punish a cat. Hitting or yelling . for Aggressive Feline Behavior. Aggressive cats can be . Maine Coon Cat Health Problems. Maine coons are the friendly, gentle giants of the cat . . actions you can address those along with the aggressive behavior. . After a brief statement, 18 Month Aggressive Behavior HELP! Over the last few . was about a year old we had a cat that she wanted to pet, but would always wind up hitting because she wasn't gentle enough. . hitting. Aggressive behavior is . aggressive behavior. If they are being aggressive towards an animal, redirect that attention cat gentle hitting aggressive behavior to being gentle. Show them how to stroke the cat or . Children who exhibit aggressive behaviour also tend to have . Reward positive behaviour when you see it. Hugs, gentle touches, sharing and . swings. to control this i have a nice chat . Learn potential causes for your cat's sudden aggressive . it comes to aggression issues with cats, underlying physical or behavioral . Sometimes he plays gentle and the next
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